Sunday, November 28, 2010


A photo here from my room.

2 video links below from Kowloon Park, Hong Kong. xxo.

Second Stops: Puerto Rico and Toronto

I was excited to finally get to PR!
The weather was incredible, of course. When we arrived to the hotel, the management invited us to "have lunch by the pool". I was wondering if it would be awkward to wear a bathing suit in front of my collegues as I ate fish tacos and sipped a cool beverage poolside.

On the work front, it is becoming apparent that twelve to fourteen hour days are normal.
In a way, it's okay because we are making beautiful images, although being in a new place of course I'd love more free time to explore. Wardrobe is becoming a larger part of the job than I'd expected, but it is fun hunting for treasures in new places (take these bleached AND studded jeggings, for example).

I am feeling like a professional mover because I'm lifting seven hundred and fifteen pieces of furniture an hour, and telling myself it's okay because I will be totally buff afterward.

We got to go out for dinner both nights after work. The first night was creepy and weird and we all felt gross after eating Mofongo....... and the second night was exactly the opposite and we couldn't get enough. CEVICE!!!! Soooo amazing.... the seafood, the fruit AH!

Being back in Toronto after many years was so fun. The photos were the best yet and the location was easy to work in. I had a wonderful Italian dinner with an old friend the last night.
Canadians are sooooooooo friendly!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Stop: Chicago

Hi Guys!
Coming up soon, my next posts will be much less text and a I will add either super short videos or photos instead, so that you'll get to travel with me.

The windy city was actually pretty warm and calm.... just a hint of rain.
The hotel was right on the lake and my room was huge with lovely views. The hotel staff were super sweet and spoiled us with amenities. So I'm thinking "Woah, this is a pretty sweet job"!  Didn't see much except the hotel, though.

So far, getting along very well with the crew and learning already. We did have one "black sheep" in our crew, who made for entertaining stories down the line. I'll tell you about all that when I see you!
Here's a video:"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanks for reading my blog

Dear Friends and Family,
The past few months have been the best kind of whirlwind, and I'm sorry I haven't called!
I want to fill you in on lots of exciting news.

Ryan Graduated from RISD this summer which left the "what's next" question happily open to us.
After seriously considering relocating to a few different cities, we decided on a move back to NYC so that we can both enjoy growth in our creative careers. Ryan has been hustling to get his jewelry line designed and connections made in the industry, while working for a lovely photography agency in the meantime.
Quickly after making the decision to move back, I got a good agent who will help me continue to get great styling jobs. In fact, almost immediately, she landed me an awesome gig working for a very nice hotel group. The job will span four to five months and will take me to thirty cities and 17 countries! I will be styling hotel lounges (photo of the NYC Tribeca hotel above) as part of a worldwide ad campaign, so it is great experience which I feel very lucky to have been offered. I am so excited this job just fell into my lap, and getting ready for the challenges has been great.

So basically, within the course of three weeks, I found out I got the big job, Ryan and I made multiple trips for nyc apartment hunting, we signed a lease on a loft, ended our RI lease early, painted our new place, packed up RI, and moved back to Brooklyn. PHEW! Six days later, I left for the first leg of the trip.

Since I'll be wanting to stay connected to you all but do not have very much fee time through this big job, I have decided to put together this blog of very short video greetings or photos. I will do my best to post in each city, and to show you something other than the hotel rooms! Please subscribe to my blog as a way to keep in touch, comment and let me know how you are all doing. It is my hope that the videos will be fun to watch (even when I look busted!), and I will love to see your posts.... especially when I'm in different time zones and feeling home sick.

And please forgive if this is the first you're hearing about all these big changes. They happened so fast!