Thursday, January 27, 2011

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina
I woke up SUPER excited to take my first trip to Argentina! I was the first one downstairs to meet at the crew van, and couldn’t wait to get there.
Everything seems to move at a much slower pace down south, and it started at the airport (I did learn to love it, btw). Our exciting trip quickly turned reality after we were faced with a flight delay and terrible lines but we of course tried to keep spirits up (Where is Starbucks?!):

We arrived in Buenos Aires at nighttime, but I could tell already that the city held some exciting treasures. And... IT'S SUMMER, YAY! I am preparing my sandals.
 Six hours later, I was up and getting ready to shoot in the lounge.... UGH. Don't..... Want...........To............Work!!! 
This job is completely the twilight zone sometimes, as one lounge begins to look like the one from three cities ago. I am feeling a bit like a roadie on a music tour who only sees the view from the (bus/ hotel) window.  My crew bus is an airplane or taxi. The days are very long here now, so we are working 7am to 9:30pm. We are told not to worry as “Argentine people don’t go out to eat until 10pm anyway”.  And it’s no joke!

We had some awesome suggestions from friends (THANKS!) and went out for a wonderful first dinner in the Palermo neighborhood. The restaurant was called “Minga”, and we had STEAK and potato and vegetables …. I am seriously wondering how I was ever a veggie. And wow, we can already tell these S.Americans lovelovelove their queso, it is in everything. The ‘hood feels vibrant and looks lovely, but we are so exhausted, we just jump in a cab and head straight to bed. Second day shooting is great, and we have another awesome dinner at night… this time opting for a fine-dining experience at Cluny. Cevice then steak. We are loving the prices in Argentina!!!!
We are meant to get to the airport super early the next day and we’re all feeling bummed out that we don’t have a day off here. Then our taxi driver took us to the wrong airport!!! It was a bit of a drama, but we wound up having the day off while we waited for our rescheduled nighttime flights. We ventured to the Recoletta neighborhood on the advice of Una and Nana (THANKS girls!) where we wondered around enjoying the architecture and sunned ourselves during lunch. I toured the old, gothic cemetery and saw some cool monuments. I had such a great time and didn’t care at all that I appeared the quintessential tourist.

I also very much enjoyed shopping at the local farmacias for my acne RX. What normally costs me $258 in the states was only between $20 and $30 there!!! YEEHAW. And how old lady is that.
I loved this place and can’t wait to go back for a proper visit!


  1. This last video link appears to be a duplicate of the taxi videos. Was it supposed to be Recoletta and the cemetery?
